Tuesday, 21 December 2004

I have ( while I have been away ) created two new Feb CNS screens

Well its been a while since I updated this site but if any thing that does not mean I have been any the less busy. In fact let me just some of the news items that have passed my way in the last month or two.
Version three of my CarPC is in planning now. If all goes well in around 12-18 months time I will be getting a Vectra C, what version I don't know as I fancy the GSI this time but I can't get an auto box with that one. The great thing about the Vectra C is that the radio space is a double DIN so my plan at this stage is to get a retractable monitor ( like this one ) and still keep the Kenwood head unit... which to be fair is far better any way.

I have ( while I have been away ) created two new Feb CNS screens, the first one is for Frodoplayer ( more in a sec ) which you can find information on here. The second is for Media Engine, again you can find that info here. Both are based on a skin that I use for Mediacar but never released, they are true 16:9 skins and perfectly match any Vauxhall dash.
Destinator. Some bad news and some good news here. First the bad. Powerloc has discontinued the development of the PC version which is a great shame. How ever not to be done-by the ever resourceful community ( more specifically Nija Monkey ) have come up with a new client called D3. Its based around the SDK and requires you to buy the current pocket PC version to own maps etc how ever it does everything that the new version from Powerloc does and more. Check it out here ... you won't be disappointed.... but do make sure you buy a copy to be legal though.
Currently I am looking at moving to Frodoplayer as Mediacar for some reason will not play some of my MP3's which Frodo will. As the developer for Mediacar no longer has the time to sort any bugs etc I find it hard to imagine this will get fixed so its time to move on. Frodo is a very good bit of kit with the main advantage that it is so skinnable its unbelievable... you can design the skin how you want it with what ever functions you want.
Any one that has seen my sig in the forums will know that I have an article in the forthcoming book 'The Hackers Guide... to CarPC's' on the way. I'll let you know more details when its released how ever essentially it is an 'how things went' rather than a 'how to do' so should give a bit of a different prospective.
The unit has been in a full 12 months now and is running just as good as I would expect it to... and no rebuilds yet either.

Lastly just before I sign off, as many of you may be aware there was recently a Tsunami Earthquake in the South Asia area. Its reportable an event that typically only happens on this scale once every 700 years. Having watched a special report from the BBC I was moved to make a donation. To help do more I also felt it was important to place links to the web sites here. If you are able to then please make some kind of donation because I think we as individuals need to do some thing. Repairing the damage and getting things back in some kind of order is going to take time and not just months. Click here to make a donation to one of the 12 major charities in the UK.


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